Juvenile delinquency fitness hearings

Juvenile delinquency fitness hearings

Can your child be tried as an adult? The answer is yes, it is possible.  And it is becoming increasingly more possible across the country with every new headlines-grabbing offense. The old adage is correct; bad cases make bad laws. In recent years, the media has...
Large law firm advantage?

Large law firm advantage?

While searching for your criminal defense attorney, you will have a number of questions, such as: is the attorney qualified? Is the attorney aggressive?  Will the attorney keep you informed about your case?  One that you will rarely encounter is whether or not you...
Proposition 47 and criminal defense

Proposition 47 and criminal defense

In case it wasn’t obvious, I am a vocal proponent of legalizing the personal use of most drugs. Yes, even the hard drugs.  Many people can use drugs and still remain functional in society.  Those who cannot are not deterred by criminalization....
Marijuana criminal defense

Marijuana criminal defense

On Monday, police responded to a Santa Rosa home due to a report from a witness that shots were fired.  The police raided the home and discovered an estimated 230 lbs of marijuana in various stages of processing and several firearms. As it turned out, there was no...