Common Probation Conditions For California Sex Offenders

Common Probation Conditions For California Sex Offenders

by Sep 4, 2018

For California sex offenders that have been granted probation as part of their sentence, there will likely be some common conditions that you’ll be required to follow.

These conditions include restrictions on things like:

  • Location of residence
  • Internet access
  • Living arrangements
  • Disclosing romantic partners
  • Contact with minors
  • Employment
  • Celebrating Halloween

If you fail to adhere to these conditions at any point, it could result in your probation being revoked and instead being sentenced to jail or prison time.

Location Of Residence

Previously, California sex offenders were not allowed to live within two thousand feet of school, park, or other place where children gather. This was mandated regardless of the severity of the crime a person was convicted of.

Currently however, the rules have been changed and now your probation officer will review your case and has the ability to prevent you from living where you want if they determine you might be a threat to children.

Internet Access

If your sex crime involved the use of a computer and/or the internet (downloading or distributing child pornography, for example), a condition of you probation might include limited access or no access to the internet.

Depending on the details of your case and the severity of the crime you committed, this restriction may or may not include access to mobile devices as well.

Living Arrangements

Another living condition requirement for California sex offenders on probation is that you are not allowed to live with another registered sex offender unless that person is legally related to you by blood, marriage, or adoption.

The only exception to this condition is if you are staying in a treatment facility for sex offenders and that is your primary residence.

Disclosing Romantic Partners

In some cases, convicted sex offenders will be required to inform their probation officers if they begin dating someone. In other cases, you might only be required to disclose a new relationship to your probation officer if that person is the parent of a minor child.

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Contact With Minors

While probation for non sex-related crimes typically restricts people from having contact with the victims of their crimes, restrictions for sex offenders are typically broader. While on probation, you may be restricted from contact with a general category of people, like minors.

This condition can mean you will be forbidden from going any place minors are likely to gather, like schools, playgrounds, etc.

Employment Restrictions

Almost anyone on probation, including sex offenders, is usually required to maintain employment. What’s different for sex offenders is if their current/previous occupation puts them in contact with people whom they are no longer allowed to be near, they will have to find new employment.

For example, if you were a teacher and have been convicted of a sex crime, a condition of your probation will probably prevent you from being around minors, which means you would only be allowed to teach adults or find a new occupation.

Halloween Curfew

Convicted California sex offenders must observe a curfew on Halloween. You are required to remain indoors from 5pm to 5am. Additionally, all exterior lights must be off, you cannot have any Halloween decorations around your residence, and you cannot offer candy to children who may knock on your door.

This is known as “Operation Boo”, and sex offenders are only allowed to open their doors to law enforcement officials during the curfew hours to confirm that they are complying with the law.

Working With An Attorney

The penalties for California sex offenders are very, very severe. If you have been accused or convicted of a sex crime, you need to call an attorney immediately.

Quinnan Law has a long and successful track record of defending those accused of sex crimes and helping them mitigate or reduce the penalties involved. Please call us for a free consultation regarding your case.


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